Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Asus EeePad Transformer TF101 Tablet PC Review

 I have just taken delivery of my new Asus Transformer - the name is cool btw!
Thought I would test out the keyboard docking module by writing a quick blog review of the Tablet.

First Impressions.

Upon opening the packaging you can't help but notice how well made the tablet is.
The bronze finish is very nice.
As an Ipad owner also I could not fail to compare the 2 devices.
The Transformer is more shiny on the screen area and this does admittedly make it a bit harder to view and you do indeed find yourself angling the screen for the best position.

I also had a slight problem in that when docking the first screen into the keyboard module the pressuer of actually having the tablet docked must have caused some sreen distortion which manifested itself as a disturbance in the lcd beneath the screen.

I was in the lucky situation of having 3 Transformers to choose a new keyboard dock from.
You however may not be so lucky!

One of the first things I tried was inserting a USB stick into the side of the Transformer.

Once the fiddly cover was moved the usb went in ok. A notification icon came up to tell me I had a USB device available and a file manager app gave me access to it.
All Good!

I added my MS Exchange account with no problems, since my mail, calendar and contacts fine.
Then also added my Hotmail as a second exchange account giving me a combined inbox!
Integrated with my Picasa account too and added all my web albums to the photo gallery.

The 2 cameras, front and back are totally acceptable, however, Skype really needs to get video calls onto Android.

My 9 year old was very impressed with the Movie Studio App and made a really funny little movie with soundtrack in no time!

Working in i.t. as I do I was still looking for additional windows type functionality exactly as I did with the iPad.
Wyse PocketCloud was my next stop.

So Windows 7 on a Transformer was ok, just couldn't quite get the resolution right.

The mouse controller is very responsive but the buttons can be a bit hit and miss!

All in all a very capable and versatile piece of kit, no speed related issues.


At the price of a high spec laptop is this the correct device?

If it fits your needs then yes but as far as I'm concerned it is an expensive gadget and not a line of business piece of kit!

That said and preparing for the fallout from the Apple Fanboys I do prefer it to the iPad, mainly because no itunes!

Monday, 14 March 2011

Adding a Driver to a Netboot Image

At our organisation we use Ghost to image our workstations.
This is done in conjunction with PXE Boot.
From time to time a hardware manufacturer will incorporate a new network card.
This can cause problems with PXE Booting!

Quick Overview of PXE Boot in Windows Environment;
(further info here http://netbootdisk.com/pxeboot.htm )
  Setup TFTP Server on DHCP Server
  Add Scope options to DHCP
    066 Boot Server Host Name - TFTP Server Name
    067 Bootfile Name - pxelinux.0

Get Netboot Files from http://netbootdisk.com/.
Get Winimage from http://www.winimage.com/download.htm
Get WinUHA from http://www.klaimsoft.com/winuha/
Download latest NDIS drivers for your network card

Our boot image file is test.imz

Open test.imz with winimage

Right click extract \NetBoot\files.uha

Open files.uha with WinUHA and extract

Replace the relevant ndis driver file with the latest version (in our case Broadcom Driver B57.dos)

Re-archive files.uha with WinUHA (make sure files are compressed into correct directory structure)

Now back in Winimage select Image, Inject and re-inject the files.uha into the NetBoot folder.

Save the image file


All Done!

Nicey Cake!

Thursday, 3 February 2011

CS1000 Capturing CDR data

At our site we have a Nortel CS1000 handling all our telephony. We were looking into a solution for calculating call costs for billing purposes.

3rd Party solutions are expensive.

So I decided to look at an in-house solution.

The first issue was how to capture the data.

We have a dedicated PC which runs our TM software (and also does our FreeWMI – see previous blogs!).

Connecting this pc’s serial port to the 25 pin connector at the back of the CS1k (Com RS232 port) labelled port 2 should capture CDR data.

This will pump out raw CDR data at 9600 7/N/1 (Note the 7 Data Bits!)

To capture this data on the PC I used PuTTY (Serial Port Version).

Available here http://www.putty.org/

Here is a screenshot of the config.


This gives an output like this;


I now needed to log this to a file, again this was a setting within PuTTY…


This basically meant all CDR data was now being captured to the cdr.log file.

The next step was to decipher this raw data into something meaningful.

Upon investigation I found that the relevant data ie outgoing calls, was in data lines starting with a “D”.

A typical data line was….

D 013 00 22XX    A001012 02/03 13:31:48 00:03:44.0  9077852XXXX

the 4th section of this line was the Extension Number

the 6th section was the Date, “mm/dd” excluding year interestingly enough.

the 7th section was Time “hh:mm:ss”

The 8th was duration in “hh:mm:ss.s”

The 9th section was number dialled in our case with a leading 9 for outside line.

I then wrote the following script to get meaningful info from the cdr.log into a csv file.

Obviously there are settings specific to my system in here but this can be adapted to suit.


'##### SCRIPT FILE FOR Processing CDR Data :  31/01/11 by Kevvo######

Set Shell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set FileSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set Network = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
'On Error Resume Next

CDRFileName = "cdr.log"
CDRLocalRate = 2.5
CDRNationalRate = 2.5
CDRInterRate = 15
CDRMobileRate = 9.9
CDRPremiumRate = 6.39

Set OpenLogFile = FileSys.OpenTextFile(CDRFileName,1,True)

Do While OpenLogFile.AtEndOfStream <> True
sLine = OpenLogFile.ReadLine
LeftChar = left(sline,1)
if left(sline,1)="D" then
  ExtTest = mid (sline,10,1)
    if mid (sline,10,1)<>"T" and mid (sline,10,1)<>"A" then

     '###### SPLIT LINE INTO AN ARRAY ######
     aLine = split(sline, " ",-1,1)
     '######  CHECK FOR HEADER ######
      if left(aline(0),1)="D" then
        if mid(sLine,55,1) <> "7" then
      '######  GET VARIABLES ######
        reccount = reccount+1
        LineLength = len(sLine)
        CDRext2 = mid(sLine,10,4)
        CDRdate2 = mid(sLine,27,5)
        CDRDay = mid(sLine,30,2)
        CDRMonth = mid(sLine,27,2)
        CDRYear = "11"
        CDRdate2 = CDRDay &"-"& CDRMonth &"-"& CDRYear
        CDRtime2 = mid(sLine,33,8)
        CDRduration2 = mid(sLine,42,8)
        CDRHrs = left(CDRduration2,2)
        CDRMins = mid (CDRduration2,4,2)
        CDRSecs = right (CDRduration2,2)
        CDRHrs2 = left(CDRtime2,2)
        CDRMins2 = mid (CDRtime2,4,2)
        CDRSecs2 = right (CDRtime2,2)
        CDRDateTime = "20"&CDRYear&"-"&CDRMonth&"-"& CDRDay &" "& CDRHrs2 &":"& CDRMins2 &":"& CDRSecs2
        AddCDRmins = 0

        if CDRSecs > 0 then
          CDRSecs = CDRSecs / 100
          AddCDRmins = Int(CDRSecs + 1)
        end if
        CDRMinCount = (CDRHrs*60)+CDRMins+AddCDRmins
        CDRdialled2 = mid(sLine,56,(LineLength-56))
        CDRdialled2 = Replace(CDRdialled2," ","")

        CDRDialledL3 = left(CDRdialled2,3)
        CDRDialledL4 = left(CDRdialled2,4)
        if len(CDRdialled2) > 4 then
            if CDRDialledL3 <> "111" or  CDRDialledL3 <> "112" or CDRDialledL3 <> "116" or CDRDialledL4 <> "0800" or CDRDialledL4 <> "0808" or CDRDialledL4 <> "0500" then
            CDRStartDigit1 = left(CDRdialled2,1)
            CDRStartDigit2 = left(CDRdialled2,2)
            if CDRStartDigit1 <> "0" then
             CDRCost = CDRMinCount * CDRLocalRate
               if CDRStartDigit2 = "07" then
                  CDRCost = CDRMinCount * CDRMobileRate
                     if CDRStartDigit2 = "09" then
                       CDRCost = CDRMinCount * CDRPremiumRate
                       CDRCost = CDRMinCount * CDRNationalRate
                     end if
               end if
            end if
            CDRCost = FormatNumber(CDRCost / 100,2)
            Set FileSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
            if FileSys.FileExists(LogFileName) then
                set LogFile = FileSys.OpenTextFile(LogFileName, 8)
                LogFile.WriteLine CDRext2 &",'"&CDRdate2&","&CDRtime2&","&CDRduration2&","& CDRMinCount&",'"&CDRdialled2&","&CDRCost
                set LogFile = FileSys.CreateTextFile(LogFileName, true)
                set LogFile = FileSys.OpenTextFile(LogFileName, 8)
                LogFile.WriteLine CDRext2 &",'"&CDRdate2&","&CDRtime2&","&CDRduration2&","& CDRMinCount&",'"&CDRdialled2&","&CDRCost
            end if

            end if
        end if   
    end if
    end if
end if
end if
StrNow = Day(Date)&"-"&Month(Date)&"-"&Year(Date)&"--"&Hour(Now)&"-"&Minute(Now)&"-"&Second(Now)
FileSys.MoveFile CDRFileName, StrNow&"-"&CDRFileName
wscript.echo "All Records Processed : "&reccount

I have also adapted this script further to inject the data into a MYSQL database and then the information was presented on a per user basis within our corporate intranet.