Friday, 18 September 2009

MS Exchange 2007 Service Pack 2 Install with Language Packs

I recently installed Service Pack 2 onto my Exchange 2007 server but had a few problems which I will try to explain here......

Download Location.....

When running the Setup program the server failed pre-requisite checks on the Unified Messaging because apparently Microsoft only want you to have "en-US" Language Packs installed.

So I needed to remove the "en-GB" Language Pack.

This would be done using the command; / RemoveUmLanguagePack: en-GB

BUT here is what I got.....

The following Unified Messaging language packs will be removed:

Um Language Pack for en-GB
No Unified Messaging Language Pack is installed for the culture 'en-GB'.
No Unified Messaging Language Pack is installed for culture 'en-GB' on this

So the Exchange Server thinks it does not have 'en-GB' installed!

Found an obscure post on a german site
Subject: MSX2007: Uninstall problem UMLanguagePack
From : "Willmar Heinrich"

who pointed me in the right direction, mentioning the registry key;
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Exchange \ v8.0 \ UnifiedMessagingRole \ Language Packs

I checked this reg key and found only an entry for 'en-US'

So I backed up the
registry settings

and copied the data form the



then I re-ran the / RemoveUmLanguagePack: en-GB
command and it worked.

The language pack was removed and SP2 passed all pre-requisite checks and installed quite happily.

The only hickup was that Microsoft Exchange Speech Engine Service would not start because it was a bit confused about the "rigged" language pack reg fix. This meant Voicemail and Auto Attendents were off for the interim.

Once SP2 was installed all was fine again.

All that was left was to re-install the language packs using; /AddUmLanguagePack:en-GB /s:d:\UM